Once again, I must doff my hat to my mother. Even as a teenager I can remember her telling me to write names on the back of photos because, "after a few years, you may not remember who it is." What? How could that possibly happen? - I thought in my naive hubris. Well, it happened (I hear you snickering, Mom). One of the darlings came across this picture and asked me who it is. Because I spend all my free time at the spa, Junior League, or shopping, I hadn't taken the time to write the baby's name on the back. Oh, it's Second Darling. Wait a minute, it's First Darling. Let me see that thing!
I was ashamed that I couldn't recognize the back of one of my baby's head. (In a sappy, precious way, this could have been any of my four babies). After studying the picture, I was only able to determine who it is by recognizing the groovy wood paneling behind her.
This picture was taken at my parents' previous house...the one they moved from the month after Second Darling was born. Thus, logic tells me that
she wouldn't be standing, so therefore it must be the First Darling. Ta-da!
So, be sure to write names on the back of your pictures...because the warnings your mom gave you do come true!
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