Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Power to the People

Most of you probably haven't even heard what's going on in Maryland, but I would suggest that you check this out.

In Maryland, parents are being threatened with jail if they don't vaccinate their children. Are you kidding me? Since when does the state own one's children? Apparently since so many of our fellow citizens have rolled over and let them. One thing to note: look at the picture in this link. That's a policeman with a police dog. Now think.....where have you seen armed police with dogs?...... From reading accounts of people who were there, this was not the only officer with a dog. What were they expecting? or more accurately, what were they trying to impress upon those who were there?

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'd be one of those parents on my way to jail while my children were being secreted out of the state. Reason number 999 why we homeschool our children.

If you're interested, click this link to a blog by the president of NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) for more details about Maryland's forced vaccination incident:

Monday, November 19, 2007

It's Alive!!!!!

I don't know how it happened but some- how, my dead little digital camera has resurrected! I was cleaning off my horribly somewhat cluttered kitchen window sill, when I realized I had to get rid of it. One last try - I turned the dial to "on" and it sputtered to life (no doubt draining half the energy from the battery). But, it works!!!! Yea!!!! I think it got what I've been needing....a long, long, long vacation.

I have included this picture of Little Man that I have taken with my newly healed camera. Someone, and I'm not mentioning names, Second Darling, has clued him in on the "I need a drink before bedtime" routine. He's three now, so I guess his sisters decided to break him into the "gray areas" surrounding bedtime. How can you deny your child water? It's such a basic necessity, but oh, I find the strength. In one hand I was holding the camera, in the other....the notorious spanking spoon. (One day I'll tell you more about's more legendary than it is used). One drink - then off to bed, and NO MORE GETTING UP!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

What do you think?

Is it a sin to make your one-year-old dance for food? Our Fourth Darling has learned that she loves bananas, and when she sees them, she gets so excited that she does the cutest little dance. Those chubby little baby feet can move! Now, I look forward to those little dances. I'm actually planning on when I can give her another banana. (Is it possible to give a kid too many bananas?). After four babies, the budget gets pretty tight - so I get my entertainment where I can. It's okay though, I know she'll have me and Darling Man dancing quite a jig by the time she's a teenager.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Back to the Dark Ages

Ugh. Our digital camera died. Actually, I think it committed suicide. One day I snapped it on and then it just said "No. I can't do this anymore." It's actually been about six weeks now. All of these cool/precious/funny/extortion-worthy photo ops keep passing me by! I have my good 'ol film camera - which I love, but for everyday stuff I need my technology fix! Maybe Santa will bring me one. Probably not though - I think I saw him trying to dig loose change out of the couch the other night.

I was told that digital cameras aren't worth fixing. It's just cheaper to buy a new and updated one. You know this is how the nerds are screwing us, right? All of those high school years of torment are coming back to haunt us...just think about it. Everything technology based "isn't worth fixing." They're exacting their revenge by making us cough up even more money for technology that we don't even know how to fully use.

So for now, my millions six readers are going to have to put up with clip art and stuff off the web until I actually get a digital camera. How dull!