In Maryland, parents are being threatened with jail if they don't vaccinate their children. Are you kidding me? Since when does the state own one's children? Apparently since so many of our fellow citizens have rolled over and let them. One thing to note: look at the picture in this link. That's a policeman with a police dog. Now think.....where have you seen armed police with dogs?...... From reading accounts of people who were there, this was not the only officer with a dog. What were they expecting? or more accurately, what were they trying to impress upon those who were there?
If you haven't figured it out by now, I'd be one of those parents on my way to jail while my children were being secreted out of the state. Reason number 999 why we homeschool our children.
If you're interested, click this link to a blog by the president of NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) for more details about Maryland's forced vaccination incident: http://vaccineawakening.blogspot.com/2007/11/
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