Monday, July 28, 2008

Igloos & Idiots

Today Darling Man and I had to have a talk about obedience with Second Darling. All to often, it seems, she sucks us into a "discussion" about whatever it is we've asked of her, and we end up in the middle of this "discussion" before we realize it.

I think this discussion began because we told all the darlings to go out into the backyard to play while we finished preparing dinner. Well, it was above 78 degrees, so Second Darling languished by the back door, telling us all the reasons she didn't want to go outside. The point
was that we told her to go outside.

So, in our discussion of obedience, I for some unknown reason mentioned that "We know you are smart, smarter than some adults, but just because you think you're smarter or have a better reason, you still have to obey." Sounds pretty good, huh? It backfired within milliseconds.

The abstract discussion of immediate obedience, and all that entails theologically (God tells us to obey) and practically (if you don't you'll get the spanking spoon) somehow moved into discussing the particular incident of Second Darling's reluctance to go outside. One of the Darling Parents I'm not naming names, mentioned something about Eskimos living in igloos would love to be able to play in a backyard in the warm humid, stifling Texas summer. Without missing a beat, Second Darling continued in debate mode and stated that people don't live in igloos anymore silly rabbit. Then she dropped the bomb: "You're right, I am smarter than some adults." Whhhhaaaaattttt?????

(Now in her defense, I know in my heart she was not directing this personally at either one of the Darling Parents, but just rather a statement remember, she's compelled to say everything that she thinks, "Yes, I do believe I am a lot smarter than a lot of adults." Somehow we'll be working the character trait of humility into our curriculum this year).

Oh my gosh, if I had been drinking anything, I swear it would have shot right out my nose. I couldn't even look at Darling Man. I had to let my laughter out or else I would have had a stroke from keeping it in. Her timing was impeccable! She then was quite sheepish when she realized that her statement sounded like she was criticizing her beloved, wonderful, super-cool Darling Parents. We assured her that we knew she wasn't being malicious, and that no matter how smart and adult was, or was not, she has to immediately obey.

Holy cow...I'll remember this forever. I'm sure when she's sticking it to the man, and fighting the system, I'll look back on this discussion as a forerunner to her revolutionary tendencies.

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