Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Sunday was my birthday. Yea me. I dare not tell you which birthday it was. Darling Man had to work, but I ventured out with the Darlings to church on my own. The Darlings looked great, and we were actually enough ahead of schedule that we were able to stop and get traditional Sunday-morning-donuts.

In between Sunday School and worship service, I corralled them all into the bathroom in hopes of avoiding the mid-service stampede. Of course, cramming all five of us into the stall was bound to have consequences. Luckily, the only casualty was my rarely-worn pantyhose. So, before we left the ladies' room, I just took off the hose and threw them away. At least, the no-hose look is in style at the moment.

As soon as service started, the drama began, as if on cue. "I'm bored. When will it be over? Can we just leave now?" Ridiculous! You would think these were heathens from the jungle who had never been in church before. Little Man got so bored that he decided to lift the back of my skirt up. UP, I say! I think I almost broke his arm trying to get my skirt back down. Did I mention that this was the first time we had visited this particular church. Great way to make an impression.

Just as we got into the van, my in-laws called and invited us out to lunch for my birthday. How sweet. Never to turn down a restaurant meal, we agreed to meet. Now, because I am a reluctant cook, my kids have been going to restaurants since they were literally just days old. It's not like this was the first time I let them out of the cage house. Well, as we were waiting for our waitress and then for our food, I thought my children had lost their ever-loving-minds. Little man was trying to climb over Darling Mother-in-Law's back. Fourth Darling was demanding to suck on the empty ketchup bottle. Of course I let her, because hey, I wanted to enjoy my diet coke. Third Darling was ready to leave before the waitress even got our drink orders - she was bored. Good Lord! Darling In-Laws were very gracious and helpful with the handful of worms children, so it wasn't a totally horrible lunch. I managed to enjoy it for the mere fact that my children were fed and I didn't have to clean up after them!

After lunch, we drove home as quickly as possible and began "quiet time." This is code for "I banished everyone to their own rooms with strict instructions to BE QUIET!" They actually did pretty good, which was a great birthday gift.

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