Monday, April 7, 2008


Sunday the four darlings and I visited a new church. Darling Man was working his obligatory weekend, so of course, anarchy reigned.

On our way there, everyone was grumbling about going. Once we were there, though, their tunes changed. It was a much smaller congregation than our megalo-church that we attend at the moment. The campus was tucked into a lovely wooded area that blended with the environment rather than dominated it.

I first two darlings are pretty shy when they are out of their comfort zone. So, I was heartily surprised that when the pastor asked for two children to volunteer to collect the offering, First Darling was on her feet before I knew it. Then I blinked, and she was up front next to the pastor, blessing the offering. I was so thrilled! In most circumstances she is quite subdued and reserved, but she was bold in serving the Lord! sweet. Children truly are a blessing.

I know I am usually quite the cynic and smarty-pants, but this was precious. I hope I'll always remember it.

Now you may ask, because of the picture with this post, "did you visit a Catholic church?" I would reply, "No dear one. I just like to think of my daughter like this because the idea of her and dealing with boys growing up scares me to death!"

By-the-way: Once again I've been behind in my posts. During March every single one of us, including Darling Grandparents, got the respiratory flu. Shut up if you're wondering if we got the flu shot. So, I hope to be more diligent in my postings from now on. If anyone gets sick again, I'm checking into the Omni by myself.

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