Monday, December 17, 2007

It's a Beautiful Blur

I didn't mean for this picture to turn out this way, but after looking at it, it really captures what I feel like my life is like. It's a blur, but there's a beauty to it as well.

I think, usually, we feel guilty about the speed at which our life passes by - no matter how fast it really is. I'm sure people two hundred years ago felt the same. I can't see a farmer on the frontier sitting back and thinking "Gee, I'm glad we have so much free time." Yet I often daydream about how "slow paced" life back then would have been. I think that's a very romantic daydream, but probably not realistic. I'm going to try to quit spending my energy feeling guilty about how fast life moves, and instead, enjoy my babies, my husband, my friends and family while I can. I guess my picture made me see that even in a blur, there is beauty.

In effort to enjoy "the blur," school has been called off this week so that we can enjoy friends, deliver Christmas baskets and have a good time.

Right now Darlings One and Two are developing their own computer game on a non-working calculator, while the two younger Darlings are on the porch playing with Super Dog. I'm so glad that they have time to be together.

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