Monday, December 10, 2007

A Bunch of Stuff

I just rolled myself out of my daughters' bed. We had two tall children, a grown-up and a dog jammed into one twin bed. Before you think we're living in squalor, we have several beds that are available, but apparently for the two oldest girls, none of them will do. It's much more fun to have a "sleep-over" with your sister every night. This night I gave in to their requests to join them. My reluctance has been that if I get my whole body horizontal, I'm instantly asleep. Even though it's bedtime for them, I've got laundry stuff to do. If I let myself fall's all over. So here I am. Doing stuff. I should be a grown-up and get some chores done, but this is fun.

I have also come to realize that I think my life is on a lopsided cycle. I think I write this blog like I do laundry. I'm really good at keeping up with it for a wile, then something breaks, blows up, gushes water happens and I play catch-up for the next month. Don't give up on me though...I'm sure Christmas will be chock full of ca-ra-zi-ness.

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