Holy guacamole. My Little Man is driving...with my one year old! Uncle Captain Jack Sparrow, aka Daddy Warbucks, bought two vehicles for his darling nieces and nephew. Needless to say, the jeeps were a huge hit! That's Uncle Captain Jack standing next to Little Man's car on Christmas morning. What you can't see is that he's in his bathrobe, wearing his new combat boots with the tags still on, holding a cigarette. Very suburbanite. The ironic thing is that the darlings are actually getting the hang of these vehicles. I hope they don't run over Super Dog. Actually, Super Dog went for a ride this evening. What a surreal life.
Right now my house looks like one of Santa's elves threw-up. We've just now gotten the boxes and papers out to the alley for trash pick-up. The darlings made a haul, I must say. It was loads of fun watching them Christmas morning.