Sunday, September 9, 2007

What Big Eyes You Have

Comics joke about it, parents lament together over it, and it will never change. It is the uncanny ability a child has to ask you a question about someone or something at just the wrong moment. You know, questions like "Why's that lady so fat?" or at McDonald's, when the eyebrow pierced, goth goon hands you your food, " Is that a boy or a girl?"

Well, my Second Darling, who is quite the spunky one, has had several of those questions in the past week, and the amazing thing is that I've learned her "face" when she's about ready to lay one on me. For instance, the other day at our mega-buying club, a man had some sort of pigmentation disorder. His skin was splotchy and oddly colored. She turned up and looked at me with the most enormous blue eyes. Just as she said "Mom," I realized what was coming, and I was quickly able to head her off by saying, "Just wait. I'll tell you in a minute." Thank God she was willing to wait.

I'm not stupid - I'm fully aware that I'm being lulled into a false sense of super-momdom. One of these days, probably in the not too distant future, she's going to bust out with the nastiest on-the-spot question. I'm just enjoying my delusion for the moment. I'm sure you'll hear about it.

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