Saturday, December 8, 2007

True Toddlerhood

My Fourth Darling has officially entered toddlerhood in full force. She kicked it off in Chick-Fil-A yesterday with a full blown kicking, screaming, drooling and snot flying temper tantrum. I wouldn't let her take her juice box (vile creation) into the play area. Well, she slightly disagreed with my decision, and unfortunately, when her little fists of fury balled up, her juice box was in them, so apple juice spewed forth like a fountain.

Of course I was mortified, but only for a second. I ripped the spouting juice box away from her, plopped her in the play area and shut the door. I could still hear her screaming from inside the plexiglass area. I thought about taking her and leaving, but my my other three darlings had been so good. I didn't want to cut their fun short just because the little one decided to freak out. She cried and cried, and e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y calmed down and played with her sibs.

I wonder if the fact that her fit didn't really bother me is a good sign that I'm okay with stress, or is it just exhausted resignation? Well....whatever. I did have the epiphany that I just CANNOT go Christmas shopping with any of my children. Too many X-factors, as my Darling Man likes to call them.

After Chick-Fil-A, we ran into a nearby store to pick up one gift. She was not interested in sitting calmly in her stroller. No....she needed to scream and arch her back until she could get down and look at all of the crap they keep at eye level.

Ho. ho. ho.

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